Thrift shops. Avoid the Goodwill and Salvation Army thrift stores, as they have actually started noting their own donated books online when rates require it. The best sources are the little thrift shops that support regional churches, medical facilities and other worthy causes. A lot of are only open a day or 2 a week. One in my area concentrates on clothing, so the contributed books were just being included a dumpster! You may discover a similar treasure trove in your town.

Library Book Sales: Your Viewing Book public library most likely has sales from time to time. They may even have a rack or a whole room that they keep open all the time. You can get some terrific books for next to nothing since they're normally getting rid of duplicates or books that are rarely had a look at.
Antiquarian book fans look for timeless old volumes-- editions of Scott, Wordsworth, the Bay Psalm Book, examples of great printing and binding from centuries past.
Now, click the book or the image title, discover the right format (hardbound or paperback) and after that choose "Used" prices. Your used book results page ought to deliver several pages of book listings for sale right now.
As you are working to find the value of those books, after doing some basic mathematics you can find out on a typical just how much each book cost you when you purchased them. When you are selling them on eBay you'll have to discover out what books are more valuable than others, now. This comes over investigating eBay itself and from experience of selling books.
Though there are a myriad of excellent factors to read photo books to your kids, the most essential of them all is to impart a love of reading. I can't envision a world without image books can you?